Hello friends! This is my very first blog post ever. I am still mapping out a weekly schedule (as you can see, today is "Mobile Monday"). Do any of you have suggestions for things they'd like to see on a weekly basis in addition to regular updates? Let me know! From now on, Mondays will be a day to post photos from my week - all taken from my phone. It'll be a little glimpse into my day to day life. I hope you like them!

1) My first day at my second job. 2) Some "light" reading at Barnes & Noble.
3) Cute lil' cherry tomatoes. 4) Juicy tomatoes from the garden at the b&b.
5) My adorable boyfriend, Curtis. 6) Modeling a new apron at the b&b.

Thanks for lookin'! I will be back tomorrow with something new for you guys.


Kay said...

I love the idea of mobile monday! I'm reinventing my blog so I'm sort of starting over and doing themed days as well!

Kaley said...

Thanks! I think it's my favorite so far. I like the themed days, at least to start. Later on down the road I might cut back and only do my favorite days and do regular posts in between. I will check out your blog as you reinvent things!

Kay said...

I actually made a whole new one haha. My friend is really good with HTML so she's making me my own layout! I feel like by September it'll be awesome haha. I follow you on bloglovin :)

Kaley said...

Oh, nice! Well be sure to send me a link once it's up and running.

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